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Total Body Weight Transformation - Audio Upgrade MRR Ebook With Audio

... : When youre training with weights in the gym, youll regularly be throwing around huge dumbbells and barbells and performing scary compound movements like squats. This makes it highly likely that you might put out a knee, strain your back or pull a muscle. Theres even just the simple risk that you might drop a weight on yourself! For these reasons, bodyweight training is much safer. Now, the only ...
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Price: $6.95
Becoming Stronger MRR Ebook

... ment when it comes to working out is functional. What is functional? Well essentially, this term refers to the idea that some types of exercises provide real-world and usable strength, whereas others do not. One of the exercises often called functional is the deadlift because it involves squatting down to pick something heavy up off of the ground using all the muscles in the leg in unison as well ...
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Price: $6.95
Total Body Weight Transformation MRR Ebook

... matter how many press ups and pull ups you do. All that matters is that you keep going until the end of the thirty seconds (at least keep trying). If you cant do push ups, then you can do push ups on your knees to begin with. And if you cant do pull ups (or cant do enough), then youre going to do assisted pull ups. Assisted pull ups means that youre going to take a chair and put it underneath the ...
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Price: $7.95
Home Workout Bible MRR Ebook

... ons, the following is a good list of equipment that you can invest in over time to gradually build up your gym. Now note that none of these things are absolutely essential to get started except the pull up bar and possibly the dumbbells depending on your interests and goals. Here is how to start Pull Up Bar: As mentioned, a pull up bar is the bear minimum you need to start training and building mu ...
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Price: $7.95
Body Weight Blitz Give Away Rights Ebook With Audio

... had a glimpse behind the fitness industry scenes have often seen first hand what motivates its gurus. It is not how to help people get fit, fast or experience vibrant health, but how to shovel more cash into their bank accounts. What if there were a proven fitness method, that didn't require any special equipment, no gym membership or supplement and diet options were strictly your own decision? Th ...
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Price: $6.95
Healthy Primal Living MRR Ebook

... respond! Nano Workouts Then you have your nano workouts. These are short bursts of exercise that you can do anywhere and that will normally only require your bodyweight. It might mean that you do 50 press ups, 50 sit ups and 50 pull ups. This is such a fast workout that it wont make you sweaty and it will be easy to convince yourself to find the time and motivation. Does it replace an in-depth wo ...
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Price: $5.95
Trx Training Extreme MRR Ebook

... Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that don't call for free weights; the practitioner's own weight supplies the resistance for the movement. Movements like the push-up, the pull-up, and the sit-up are a few of the most common bodyweight exercises. As a whole, increasing the amount of repetitions will focus on bettering endurance, while strength gains are made with increasing the ...
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Price: $5.95
Introduction To Circuit Training Plr Ebook

... sidering the practically endless number of combinations you can put together, it is easy to establish a routine on any day of the week. You can choose to simply work on a single body part or you can get a total body workout. Circuit training is also very time efficient. Most people today are very busy and simply do not have the time available to spend an hour or more at the gym several times per w ...
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Price: $29.95
Functional Strength MRR Ebook

... e 7 Primal Movements 7 Compound Movements and Big Lifts 9 Some Moves to Get You Started . 10 Chapter 3: Relax Into Stretch and Foam Rolling ... 12 How to Relax Into Stretch . 12 More Fixes for Mobility and Flexibility ... 14 How to Use Foam Rolling 14 Chapter 4: Functional Strength Training Tools: Kettlebells, Indian Clubs and More .. 16 Kettlebells ... 17 Indian Club Training 17 Barefoot Running ...
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Price: $7.95
Fitness Hacks To Transform Your Body Personal Use Ebook With Audio

... y sure youre feeding your body what it needs. And dont get some green drink that has a lot of filler in it or tastes so absolutely horrible that you stop taking it after a day or two. Check out something like Macro Greens on Amazon, which doesn't have that nasty taste associated with most green drinks. Another option is making your own green drinks, if you have the time and the inclination. You'll ...
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Price: $6.95
Carb Cycling For Weight Loss MRR Ebook

... Carb Day? ..... 23 What Do I Eat On A Low Carb Day?.... 24 What Does A Week-Long Carb Cycling Plan Look Like? 25 Chapter 4: How Does Carb Cycling Help with Weight Loss? ..35 Chapter 5: Are There Other Benefits to Carb Cycling? .... 39 Chapter 6: What do I Need to Remember About Carb Cycling? ... 42 Get it Right for You .. 42 Calories and Protein 45 Chapter 7: Types of Carb Cycling . 49 Chapter 8: ...
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Price: $6.95
Carb Cycling Made Easy MRR Ebook

... 0 for women and 1500 3000 for men. This is the general recommended range that you should stay within. However, dont beat yourself up if you exceed it a little on some days. I highly recommend that you invest in a calorie counting app. As for how many calories are contained in the foods you consume, you can easily look this up online and prepare a reference list to store on your computer. Portions ...
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Price: $6.95
Workoutpedia MRR Ebook

... of this, look into getting yourself a bench that can fold up in order to be put away. This way, you can tuck your bench under a bed or behind a wardrobe and it doesnt have to get in your way as a result. Exercise Mat: This is not completely essential but you will find that training without an exercise mat can cause your floor to become slippery with sweat and can make a mess in your home. Whats mo ...
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Price: $6.95
Home Gym Plr Articles v2

... Premium Gyms with Fitness Gyms Home Pacific
* The Early Days of Fitness Gyms in California
* Finding Fitness Gyms: Omaha Possibilities
* Reading a Fitness Home Gym Review
* Making the Most of Fitness Home Gyms
* Using Fitness Home Gyms To Lose Weight
* Total Health and Fitness with Good Housekeeping Home Gyms
* Tone Your Muscle and not Your Wallet with Gym Power Golds Home Gyms
* How to Choose th ...
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Price: $8.95
Empowered Fitness Bible Plr Ebook

... nt to gain muscles and increase your muscle strength, try exercising lifting weights or take stairs rapidly. Muscular Endurance This is the ability of the body muscles to continue performing without fatigue. To enhance your muscle endurance, try dancing, walking, bicycling or jogging. Body Composition Body composition refers to fat, bone, muscle, and some parts of the body. The total body weight o ...
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Price: $17.95
Bulk Like The Hulk MRR Ebook

... rbs and fats respectively. And the answer to this is going to depend once again on various different aspects regarding your biology. Lets take a look Protein When it comes to building muscle, the most important thing is that you are eating a LOT of protein. Protein is basically meat and plant matter carbon and this is broken down to create amino acids. You may have heard that we are carbon based l ...
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Price: $7.95
Stay Motivated To Exercise PLR Ebook

... ses are exacerbated by carrying extra weight. Increasing your activity level can help you shed the pounds and help you firm up. It can also help you avoid some of the health issues that so often plague people who are overweight or not active. Most women do not realize that their weight can be the cause of fertility issues. In fact, thirty percent of all fertility problems are related to the womans ...
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Price: $6.95
Internet Marketing For Complete Beginners MRR Ebook

... ed to go a little deeper. Sure, your site might be a technology website, but what kind of technology do your write about? Who are you writing for? And what is the purpose of your site? For instance, you might write about all kinds of technology but find that you seem to stick more to technology that's just around the corner. Perhaps you write lots of big previews for technology that's coming. And ...
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Price: $6.95
Intermittent Fasting Formula MRR Ebook

... es inflammation and reduces the levels of sugar in the blood. Not only that, it reduces insulin resistance as we showed above. These are all key factors in enhancing brain function. Studies that have taken place with lab rats have also shown that IF can help boost new nerve cell growth. This too offers benefits when it comes to brain function. Meanwhile, it also increases the level of BDNF (brain- ...
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Price: $6.95
Healthy Habits MRR Ebook

... it is very minor. Even when it is minor, you will still find it difficult to be at your best when you dont have sound health. Moreover, you need to be healthy to enjoy your success. What is the point of making all the money only to spend it on sickness? You should take an excursion to the hospital once in a while to learn some vital lessons in life. There are many rich people in the hospital who a ...
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Price: $7.95
Fitness Psychology PLR Ebook

... r body is imperative. You have to get the best amount of carbohydrates and protein for maximum results. Fueling up your body with these minerals will give you more stamina for your race day. Water According to a particular health organization, ones body weight is made of sixty percent water. Since the body of a person depends on water, you need to drink enough amount of water to maintain the level ...
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Price: $6.95
Bulk Like The Hulk Unleashed MRR Ebook With Audio

... there are a few basic requirements you need to fulfil when it comes to eating and these are: Maintain a caloric surplus consume more calories than you burn in a day Eat 1 gram of protein for every 1lb of bodyweight Simply calculate your weight and then your AMR (which is the number of calories you burn in a day). Try to make sure you hit the protein target and make sure you eat more calories than ...
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Price: $6.95
Bulk Up Fast 2 MRR Ebook With Audio

... is guide will show you the basics of bulking but more importantly, it will show you how to create a program and a diet plan that you actually stick with. And along the way, well point out all the usual stumbling blocks where people normally fail The Diet Component When it comes to bulking up, eating the right diet is actually more important than exercising. Thats because building muscle happens in ...
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Price: $6.95