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Aspen Plr Articles

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Price: $17.95
Panama Plr Articles

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Keyword Optimized Plr Articles Pack 22

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Price: $26.95
101 Tips for Growing Your Own Great Rose Garden Plr Ebook

... specially if those flowers are roses. Roses have always been a symbol of peace, love, friendship, and even death to all who see them. For centuries, roses have come to characterize great taste and eternity during events such as weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. They are always the flower of choice when someone is hoping to create a bond with another. Anyone can purchase roses in a gift shop ...
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Price: $17.95
Surviving Valentines Day On Your Own Plr Ebook

... ay is such a big thing that you would have to be living on the moon if you didnât know anything about it. As early as December, you will be surrounded by advertisements, promotions, special offers and gift ideas in newspapers, on TV, on radio, on the Internet - basically everywhere you turn.
For some people all this hype is way too much and they prefer to ignore the slightest insinuation that V ...
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Price: $5.95
Planning Your Wedding Starts Here Plr Ebook

... 11 5.0 HONEYMOON 12 6.0 RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE 12 Choosing a florist 13 Choosing a photographer 14 Choosing a videographer 15 Choosing a wedding dress 17 Princess Bride 17 Fashion Bride 18 Practical Bride 18 VAT 20 7.0 MANAGEMENT 20 Prior to the Event 20 Invitations and Other Stationery 20 Final Checks 20 Itineraries 21 Other things to consider 21 Table Plan 21 On the Day 22 Photo calls 22 Anno ...
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Price: $19.95
Valentines Day Plr Articles V3

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Price: $4.95
Make 100 Today Personal Use Ebook

... re happy to employ a handyman to do some painting, gardening, carpentry and similar jobs. Create art masterpieces-if you have some artistic talent and can paint scenes, people or animals, why not start painting and go to the local craft markets and sell your work. A lot of money can be made from selling small reasonably priced art work. If people come to your stall and look around ask them if ther ...
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Price: $5.95
Your DIY Wedding Plr Autoresponder Email Series

... opening paragraphs - Extra closing paragraphs - Extra fill in paragraphs (these would make great tips that you add in to your follow ups system for more frequent contact with your readers) SAMPLE CONTENT PREVIEW Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about how to feed all your guests in style without going into debt. In this issue we are going to talk about finding the perfec ...
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Price: $12.95
Easy Wedding Themes Plr Autoresponder Email Series

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Price: $12.95